AWA awarded Constructionline Gold!

AWA Building Services Consultants are proud to share that we have once again been awarded Constructionline Gold accreditation, demonstrating our continued commitment to our clients in providing an outstanding quality of service and the highest levels of compliance within the construction industry.

The highly sought-after accreditation comes as a result of our commitment towards continually exceeding industry standards and achieving best practice throughout our operations.

Constructionline is the UK’s leading procurement and supply chain management scheme for the construction industry.

Our credentials were assessed for environmental management, quality management, equal opportunities and diversity, and corporate and social responsibility. Gold membership also includes an Acclaim Health & Safety accreditation, which is SSIP compliant (Safety Schemes in Procurement).


Constructionline Gold is the third highest of four memberships available and requires suppliers to demonstrate that that they can meet the prescribed standards for both Bronze and Silver Members in addition to demonstrating compliance and commitment to meeting legislative requirements covering such topics as Equal Opportunities, Modern Slavery, Anti-Bribery and Corruption.

This is in addition to satisfying criteria in relation to:

  • Corporate and professional standing
  • Health and Safety
  • Environmental Management
  • Quality Management
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Social Value
  • Insurance requirements

This is a great achievement for us, and it will provide new clients with confidence that they are engaging with an accredited business that can meet exacting quality standard in relation to the recruitment services that we provide.